
Reflective letter english 101

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As years passed, I learned to put those letters together to make words, sentences, and finally paragraphs in essays. For a large part of my high school years, my writing improvement seemed to grow stagnant. When I arrived in English 101, I realized there is more to writing than just putting words on paper.

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Cover Letter | English 101 Portfolio English 101 A. December 8, 2014. Cover Letter. Each essay in this portfolio took a good amount of time to revise and edit—some more than others. The amount of time it took for me to revise an essay directly correlated to how many corrections my instructor made on my first draft. The essay I had to revise the most would definitely be my ... The Final Reflective Cover Letter

Dec 12, 2011 · English 101 Monday, December 12, 2011 Reflective Cover Letter. Dear Dr. Tinberg, Over this semester, I have really grown as a writer. The pieces that I believe demonstrate this the most are and I have learned new techniques that will help me in my future English courses, and in my daily writing. Posted by Sarah Machado at 7:21 AM.

English Department

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